BOOK 5 cover reveal!

So pleased to reveal the cover of the next book in the Emmie & Friends series…TRULY TYLER! That’s right, it features a boy. Not just any boy, but Emmie’s crush from INVISIBLE EMMIE.

The story kicks off as Tyler and Emmie join forces in art class to create their own comic book. The chapters switch back and forth between Tyler and Emmie as they work on their project over the next three weeks. Peer pressure, self doubt, and (as always) hilarity ensue in this layered tale of friendship and family. BONUS: It includes Tyler and Emmie’s final comic creation — as in: a book within a book!

I’m so pleased with the way this story came together, and I hope you’ll agree. TRULY TYLER comes out May 4, 2021. To pre-order, go here.

14 Comments on “BOOK 5 cover reveal!

  1. Ms Libenson, I was wondering if you’re ever going to feature any queer characters in your books? I love your graphic novels so so so much, and it would mean the world to be if you had a queer character in one of them.

  2. I would love to! There is a minor character (adult), Brianna’s aunt, who is. She and her wife Tina make appearances in BECOMING BRIANNA and POSITIVELY IZZY. But yes, I would LOVE to feature a queer kid character down the road. Right now, unfortunately, the publishing industry is discouraging that from authors who are not LGBTQ (but I’m hopeful!).

  3. Hey there!
    Ms. Libenson, i was curious if i could interview you! i love your books and would love to get to know more about you!
    (im a girl by the way)

    • Hi Dallas (love your name), I don’t really do interviews outside of professional articles, blogs, etc. but I appreciate your asking! There’s a FAQ page on this website for you get to know me a little better. I hope that’s helpful! xo Terri

  4. I’m so excited for this upcoming book!!!! And I love the Pajama Diaries and sad that it ended a year ago! (I didn’t know that until recently, because my newspaper replaced it with another strip before that.)

  5. I cannot express how excited I am! Thank my dad for letting me get into what he calls,”The Emmieverse.” My name is actually Emmi but without an E! After buying more of your books, my younger brother starting reading them too! He would always ask me if he could read one of them. Once we read Positively Izzy together! I’ve got to hand it though, I can actually relate to Emmie a lot! I used to be as loud as a trumpet, but now I am as quiet as the dead rat. I also did draw a lot! (Although they were kinda corny) Thank you so much for making the series! I love every part of it, and I am so SO excited! Keep up the awesome series!

    • Hi Emmi! So glad you and your brother enjoy reading the books (love “Emmieverse).” You do sound a lot like Emmie. 🙂 Take care and keep reading!

  6. I also wanted to point out that in “Just Jaime,” when Celia was talking about how she was dress coded and was talking about “Ally Davis” I realized that her last name was Brianna’s. Was that some mistake? Does Brianna have a long lost sister? Or was that just a coincidence? I’m honestly confused.

    (By the way I cracked up with “Alabama Jones.” I actually knew what she meant!)

    • Oops, it was a silly mistake. My husband’s family name is Davis, so I probably threw it in there without thinking. I was much more deliberate with Brianna’s last name. (and great you got that Alabama reference!).

  7. Hi my name is NayNay, and I am so happy about “Truly Tyler” coming out. I have read all of the books and I can’t wait. Thanks for you amazing books

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