Sephardic Stories

So excited to announce my participation in PJ Library‘s two-year authors’ program: Sephardic Stories. Also thrilled to be among such a notable group of writers and artists.

My mother’s family was originally from Spain. They were booted during the 1492 Spanish Inquisition and fled first to Italy, then eventually settled in Turkey. My mother and her entire family were born and raised there. So of course I’m excited to dig more into my roots for some inspired writing as well as participate in a great mentorship program. Fingers crossed for those creative juices to flow!

“As part of PJ Library’s mission to represent the diversity of North American Jewish communities through the books we send to families, and following extensive research and recommendations from a specially formed advisory committee, the Author Stewardship Team invited seven experienced and published authors of Sephardic and Mizrahi backgrounds to create stories inspired by their own experiences over a two year period.

These authors will be granted the opportunity to dig deeper into stories with the support of experts in the field, customized virtual meet-ups, and an Israel experience. They will also act as mentors to emerging Sephardic and Mizrahi authors from spring 2024 through winter 2025.”

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