BECOMING BRIANNA: the artistic process

Thought I’d share a fun peek into creating the art for Becoming Brianna, upcoming in the Emmie & Friends series. The process pretty much follows the same path as the first three books, except I kinda actually know what I’m doing now.
Each book is told in two different styles: graphic novel (like a comic book) and illustrated novel (lots of text with spot art). For the spot art, I create many rough illustrations in pencil on paper, and then I scan them in. Here’s an illustration I scanned for chapter 1:

Next, I redraw and color the image in Photoshop on my digital drawing tablet. A technique I often use is “tracing” over the rough image in order to create the new image. This is what the final illustration looks like:

I use the same technique for the graphic novel portion of the book. The only difference is I start with a page template so that I get the size right. Here’s what the template looks like:

Not much to look at, huh? But it really helps me. The pink part is my working area (note: this is reduced; it’s really about 5 inches by 8 inches). On the digital tablet, I can “layer” it under my drawing and remove it when I’m done. I’m then left with the artwork with the correct proportions..
Here’s what a rough scan of the graphic novel artwork looks like (from chapter 2), layered on top of the pink template. You can see I adjusted the opacity of the pink part so that it’s lighter and easier to see under the rough drawing.

Here’s the final black line art. I traced it over the rough art, not yet removing the pink template:

And here’s what it looks like, all colored and finished (pink layer removed):

And that’s it! Now multiply that by a billion times (okay, math isn’t my strong point), and I’ve got an entire book. In reality, it takes me about a month to do all the rough art and four months to do the final art.
Becoming Brianna comes out in May, 2020. You can pre-order here. Hope you enjoy it!
I absolutely love all of your books and I think you tell the story really well. It’s really fascinating like how the story kinda plays out in Positively Izzy, at the end (the birthday part). And I just really want to know, was my inference correctly and is Izzy, Brianna’s mom?
Thank you, Claire! And yes, you’re correct!
That part was a twist for me
I remember reading this when I was nine and having laughed myself off. I’d attended my brother’s Bar Mitzvah but maintained that I had a long time to start to get nervous for mine. Well, next Shabbat I’ll have mine and am, how unlike Brianna, thrilled!!!