Virtual event with Politics & Prose!
Join Terri and Erin Entrada Kelly LIVE as we discuss our new books with Politics & Prose. Details here!

BRIANNA’s Book Birthday!!
BECOMING BRIANNA hits the (virtual) shelves TODAY!
Becoming Brianna is the fourth book in the best-selling Emmie & Friends series. The story brings Brianna from Positively Izzy back into the limelight, in a way she never thought possible. She must overcome all kinds of frustrating challenges, all the while trying to answer the biggest question of all: What do I believe?
This book is perfect for anyone who loves humor, heart, and of course, funny drawings to highlight all of it! Ages 8-12.
Click here to order a hardcover, paperback, or audio!
ILA Children’s Choices List!

Thrilled to announce that JUST JAIME was chosen for the 2020 ILA-CBC Children’s Choices list! This is a cooperative project of the International Literacy Association (ILA) and the Children’s Book Council (CBC).
“The books in these lists are read and voted on by 12,500 children across the US each year. These Children’s Choices can be counted on as books children really enjoy reading.
Each year, children from Kindergarten – 6th grade in five regions of the United States read newly-published children’s trade books and vote for the ones they like best. These Children’s Choices, selected from hundreds of titles, can be counted on as books children really enjoy reading.”
For more info, click here.
Emmie & Friends Drawing Demo!
More stuff for you all you cooped-up readers! I did a drawing demonstration of three of my main characters from the Emmie & Friends series.
In the video, I also talk a little about my upcoming book, BECOMING BRIANNA (out May 5).
Check it out!

Coloring page!
For all of you stuck inside, here’s a little freebie. It’s a coloring page based on the cover of my upcoming Emmie & Friends interactive journal. Feel free to download it and print it out. In the meantime, stay safe!

For all you kids stuck at home…

Hey, everyone! If you’re like my own kids, you’re going to be home for a while, waiting out the worst of the COVID-19 virus. At first, being “stuck at home” may not sound so bad. It’s an escape from tests, work, and maybe even those kids and teachers you try and avoid most days at school. But after a while, it can get pretty boring. So here are a few ideas for some screen-free fun time:
1. Well, of course, I’m going to say this…READ! This is such a great opportunity to take a break from your phone, video games, and other electronics and escape into someone else’s imagination.
2. Get outside. Okay, so you may have to avoid crowds of people, but it’s probably okay to ride your bike or walk to a park or wherever else you like to go (just ask a parent first if this is okay).
3. Have a game day (or night). If you’re gonna be stuck with your family, take out your frustrations on a friendly competition. It’s probably healthier than a family screaming match.
4. Whip out those neglected art supplies. Remember when you were in kindergarten and used to draw, paint, and craft with abandon? I’ll bet there are still some art supplies lying around. It’s a perfect time to get creative. Make your own comics! Try a collage from old paper scraps! Paint your little brother all the colors of the rainbow! Okay, kidding about that last one…maybe.
5. Along those lines, it’s also a great time to catch up on writing in a journal. Or start a novel. Believe it or not, boredom can weirdly spark your imagination.
6. Write letters to faraway friends and family. Once upon a time, people corresponded with pen, paper, and the written word. You can still do that! You can also draw funny pictures they can keep. But if that seems too old-fashioned, you can still FaceTime them your funny faces.
7. Finally, if you go to “Fun Stuff” in the menu above, there are some cool little games and videos. Also, here is an excerpt from my upcoming book, BECOMING BRIANNA:

That portion and the rest of BECOMMING BRIANNA comes out May 5, 2020. In the meantime, hunker down, stay healthy, and keep reading and creating!