7 Comments on “TRULY TYLER Book Birthday!

  1. Yaay!! Already had it pre ordered, has to read it today because it was at my dad’s house. (my parents are divorced) And I already read it! (Not letting my brother get his greasy hands on it yet.)

    But Oh. My. Gosh. Did you just read my mind?! I know there is a lot of manga mentioned. I was wanting to start reading those. Also, Emmie and Tyler’s story. I don’t want to spoil what it’s about, but what the heck, my mom can do those, just not with items.* But amazing book! You are amazing!

    *Psychic reading, if you know you know.

  2. I love your books I have every copy and even made I makeshift shelf for them ( I’m a big crafter) and I was like hmm I haven’t checked out your page in a while and BOOM your new book was there I was sooo excited. I’m currently saving up for a signed copy because it would be my dream to own it! I watched your video on YouTube about the books that are Created by readers I came up with one. Its called Emmie and friends at year in review basically it reviews all the books so far and also I have a question what happened to Katie in invisible emmie I haven’t seen her in Any books?

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