North Texas Teen Book Festival and C2E2 in Chicago!

I’m so excited to be among such an amazing lineup of authors at the North Texas Teen Book Festival in Irving, TX and the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2) in Chicago, IL. I’ll be in Texas March 22-23 and Chicago March 24.
Click here for details about my appearance at NTTBF.
Click here for details about my appearance at C2E2.
Hope to see you!
Dear Ms. Libenson,
I am a fourth grader at Tomek-Eastern Elementary in Fenton, Michigan. I am reading your book Positively Izzy (which I enjoy) and I found a small mistake so I thought I’d let you know. On the top of page 124 ,it says “One my way out.’’ instead of “on my way out”. I thought you would want to know that it has a misprint. This is the first book of yours that I have read and I can’t wait to read more of your books. Thank you!
Lila white
Hi Lila,
Yes, I’m aware of the mistake. I think it was taken care of in reprints. You have a good eye! Thanks for reading IZZY, and hope you enjoy the other books, too!